1. Fungua dashboard ya blog yako
  2. ingia sehemu iliyoandikwa template
  3. bofya add HTML
  4. copy code hizo chini na paste kwenye HEAD section
    <head>  code below...............</head>
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    function disableSelection(target){
    if (typeof target.onselectstart!="undefined") //IE route
     target.onselectstart=function(){return false}
    else if (typeof target.style.MozUserSelect!="undefined") //Firefox route
    else //All other route (ie: Opera)
     target.onmousedown=function(){return false}
    target.style.cursor = "default"
    //Sample usages
    //disableSelection(document.body) //Disable text selection on entire body
    //disableSelection(document.getElementById("mydiv")) //Disable text selection on element with id="mydiv"

    Baada ya hapo nenda had chini juu ya </body> past code hizi apa chini.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var somediv=document.getElementById("mydiv")
    disableSelection(somediv) //disable text selection within DIV with id="mydiv"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    disableSelection(document.body) //disable text selection on entire body of page


    Need for Speed Most Wanted ni game la 2005 la mashindano ya magari ambalo limeandaliwa na EA Black Box na kuzinduliwa na Electronic Arts. Katika game hili pia mnaweza mkashindana watu wawili kwenye computer kwa kuunganisha kwenye Mtandao, (LAN) Local Area Network

    377 MB

    Kwa maoniushaurimapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    AeroMag is a news and magazine blogger template. It comes with many features such as responsive design, clean and modern look. Side panel, custom contact form, Ajax Search, sitemap and many unique widgets that hardly found in blogger templates. You can use for your magazine, news and blogs. It’s fully compatible with mobile devices. The template is designed with flexible layout, lets user to easily manage their widgets by drag and drop.

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    SmadAV is an additional antivirus software that is designed to protect your computer.

    Additional protection for your computer, 100% compatible with other antivirus software! Works with your primary antivirus as an extra layer of defense.

    Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB drives) Prevent viruses that spread through USB stick drives.
    Best for offline use (no need to update very often) Designed to be used with computers that are rarely or not even connected to the internet. SmadAV does not need to be updated as often as other antivirus. (Regularly updates once a month).
    Cleaner and tools to clean the virus. SmadAV not only removes viruses but can also fix registry problems in infected machine.
    How to Activate?

    Install Smadav
    Launch Smadav
    Go to Settings – General Settings
    Use a serial key to activate the application
    That’s All, Enjoy

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    1. open cmd
    2. type copy con filename.bat
    3. now type “xcopy
    i: f:\copied /h /s /c /q /i” remove ” ”
    4. type Exit
    5. press f6
    6. now it will create a batch file named filename.bat

    xcopy is a command which is used to copy file and folder
    i: is the name of your pen-drive drive name replace with your drive name
    f:\copied is the name of folder where you wish to copied data is to be placed replace
    with your own folder or path
    /h is used to copy hidden files also

    Now copy this file into desktop now whenever someone insert his/her USB into your system then click on this file his data is automatically copied into the folder specified by you.

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    IDM - Internet Download Manager hii ni program maalumu kwa ajili ya ku-download mafaili mbalimbali mtandaoni ukiwa na IDM - Internet Download Manager Utaweza kupakua vitu mtandaoni haraka na kwa mda mfupi.

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    Karibu mpenzi msomaji, leo tunakwenda kijifunza jinsi ya kutengeneza Flash na Memory Card iliyoshambuliwa na virus kwa kutumia CMD, kuyafamu haya ungana nami kwa kufuata hatua zifuatazo:-

    Ø Chomeka Flash au Memory Card yako iliyoshambuliwa na Virus kwenye Computer.

    Ø Bonyeza start button Andika “CMD” na bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    Ø Andika “Disk Part” na ubonyeze kitufe cha “enter

    Ø Andika “List Disk” na bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” na uchague disk 1

    Ø Andika “Clean” alafu bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    Ø Andika “Create Partition Primary” na bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    Ø Andika “Active” Alafu bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    Ø Andika “Select Partition 1” na bonyeza kitufe cha “enter”

    Ø Andika “Format fs=fat32” na bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” ili ku-format.

    Ø Andika “exit” ili kufunga CMD na uanze kutumia flash / Memory Card yako.

    Kwa kujifunza zaidi tafadhali download hapo chini.

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.

    Karibu sana mpenzi msomaji, ni siku nyingine tena tunakutana, kwa siku ya leo tunakwenda kujifunza hatua tatu ambazo unaweza ukazifanya kwenye computer yako ili kuifanya computer yako iwe na performance inayotakiwa, kuyafahamu yote haya basi ongozana nami katika hatua zifuatazo:-

    Hatua ya kwanza
    ·        Bonyeza start button

    ·        Andika neno “RUN” kwenye search box na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    ·        Andika neno “%temp%” likiwa na alama ya asilimia kila upande, kama inavyoonekana kwenye picha hapo chini na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” au “Ok

    ·        Chagua file zote ambazo zimeonekana hapo kwa kubonyeza kitufe cha “crtl” pamoja na “A” kwa pamoja (crtl+A).

    ·        Delete files hizo ulizozichagua.

    ·        Weka alama ya tiki na Bonyeza option ya “skip

    Hatua ya Pili
    ·        Bonyeza start button

    ·        Andika neno “RUN” kwenye search box na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter

    ·        Andika neno “prefetch” kama inavyoonekana kwenye picha hapo chini na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” au “Ok”.

    ·        Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” au “Continue” ili kuendelea hatua inayofuata.

    ·        Chagua file zote ambazo zimeonekana hapo kwa kubonyeza kitufe cha “crtl” pamoja na “A” kwa pamoja (crtl+A).

    ·        Delete files hizo ulizozichagua.

    Hatua ya Tatu
    ·        Bonyeza start button

    ·        Andika neno “Disk cleanup” kwenye search box na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter”

    ·        Bonyeza kitufe cha ‘enter” au “Ok” ili kuendelea.

    ·        Mwisho kabisa, weka alama ya tiki sehemu zote kama inavyoonekana hapo kwenye picha hapo chini na Bonyeza kitufe cha “enter” au “Ok”.

    Mpaka hapo ni matumaini yangu utakuwa umejifunza  na ahsante kwa kuwa nasi, kama una maoni, mapendekezo pamoja na ushauri usisite kutuandikia  hapo chini kwenye sehemu ya comment

    Kwa kujifunza zaidi tafadhali download hapo chini
    2.86 MB

    Kwa maoni, ushauri, mapendekezo au msaada kuhusu chapisho hili, usisite kutuandikia hapo chini katika kisanduku cha maoni nasi tutayafanyia kazi.


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